What a fantastic turn out from Tyne Bridge Harriers at this mornings parkrun on Newcastle Town Moor. 12 runners took part in our superb new club vests. 5 shiny new PB’s recorded. (see results below). 2 Tyne Bridge Harriers; Dave Daniels & Rob Kirtley also took part volunteering at the very first paced Newcastle parkrun. Dave paced for 20 mins and Rob for 30 mins assisting regular parkrunners to get new PB’s along the way. Well done everyone for such a superb turnout, positive attitude & strong running performances !!

Newcastle parkrun. event 60 – 12/03/11

06 Sean KELLY VM40-44 17:22 PB 78.60%
09 Paul HILTON VM40-44 17:42 78.25%
11 Mark HALL VM40-44 17:53 78.10%
23 Chris MITSIDES SM35-39 19:00 PB 71:32%
28 Stephen HARGREAVES SM30-34 19:13 PB 67.65%
29 Ryan HALL JM15-19 19:16 72.23%
38 Derek REED VM40-44 19:49 70.48%
42 Mark BLACK SM35-39 19:59 PB 67.31%
43 Tony CARTER SM20-24 19:59 64.55%
50 David ROWE VM40-44 20:11 PB 67.63%
65 David YOUNG VM45-49 20:59 68:07%
91 Kerry REED VW35-39 22:50 65.77%

Well done.


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