‘Fantastic Friday’ for Tyne Bridge Harriers
Sean Kelly reports

The sun beat down on the runners and racers in the 2011 Good Friday Relays organised by Elswick Harriers. Nerves were jangling and hearts were skipping a beat in anticipation of what was to come. Rather than a ‘Good’ Friday though, it turned out to be a fantastic one for the newest running club in the North-East. Its worth pausing for a moment to consider that Tyne Bridge Harriers was only formed in January and, yet, it is now turning heads and making a notable impression in the North-East Running community.

Emma Moir

Emma Moir

The distinctive black and white vest, with the iconic Tyne Bridge club badge, was on display in the u/17 Boys, the Womens, Senior Mens and Veteran Mens races. Emma Moir lined up in the Women’s race and covered the 2.28 mile circuit around the Newburn Riverside Park in 16 minutes and 23 seconds to clinch 13th spot in the Veteran Women’s race. This set the tone for the rest of the day.

Tony Carter

Tony Carter

There were bets being laid on whether the Veterans would beat the Senior men in the next event, the 4 man relay. With ‘young gun’ Tony Carter blasting around the course in a rip-roaring time of 11 minutes 32 seconds, the Seniors had a lead of 34 seconds on the Veteran squad.

Paul Hilton

Paul Hilton

Club Captain, Paul Hilton, however, recorded one of the fastest times of the day in the Veterans event (12 minutes 6 seconds).

Louis Goffe put in one of the performances of the day for the Senior men with a head-turning 12 minutes 22 seconds. However, by the final of the 4 legs, the Senior men were hanging on to their lead and Mark Hall (Veteran) stormed through the final mile to close the gap to a mere 7 seconds!

Louis Goffe

Louis Goffe

The Senior men finished 8th out of 32 starting teams. A great achievement for a first outing! After the dust had settled and results analysed, it was reported that, in their first attempt in this competition, the Veterans Team had secured 3rd team place.

David Appleby

David Appleby

The strength of depth at the new club meant that they were able to field a second Veteran’s team. Led by new recruit, David Appleby (12 minutes 47 seconds), they worked their way into 9th position out of 18 starting teams.

After the ‘old lads’ had made their mark, it was down to the future of the club, Ryan Hall, to pull on the black and white vest and show his worth. And did he do that! In an U/17 field with every runner of a high standard,

Ryan Hall

Ryan Hall

Ryan paced himself well and secured 12th position. His time of 13 minutes and 21 seconds was comparable with many of those in the Senior men’s event. Ryan has been making excellent progress at Tyne Bridge Harriers and, with patient and consistent training, will be looking to work his way towards his full potential.

The newest club in the North-East came away from the event having made a great impression and with spirits high. It was brilliant to see many of our old friends whilst running in our new kit. Thanks to Elswick Harriers for a superbly organised competition. We’ll be back next year!

Tyne Bridge Harriers Results

Women (U17, U20, & Vets) 2.28 miles
Emma Moir : 16:23

Under 17 Males: (2.28 miles)
Ryan Hall : 13:21

Senior Men’s Relay 4 x 2.28 miles A
Tony Carter : 11:32
Marc Fenwick : 12:12
Louis Goffe : 12:22
Stephen Hargreaves : 13:09
(NC) 8th place overall

Veteran Men’s Relay 4 x 2.28 miles A
Paul Hilton : 12:06
Sean Kelly : 12:03
Dave Moir : 12:52
Mark Hall : 12:21
(NC) 3rd Place Overall

Veteran Men’s Relay 4 x 2.28 miles B
David Appleby : 12:47
Dave Rowe : 14:07
Micky Baker : 14:32
Deka Reed : 13:49
(NC) 9th Place Overall



6 Responses

  1. Great Day ! Great Results ! Great Support ! ( from many neutrals ) TBH are here long may it continue.

  2. Agree with Micky, I heard and received many positive comments about Tyne Bridge yesterday. What a positive relay debut. Good signs for the future of Club and to build on.

  3. It was a great day and what a great squad we have and its getting bigger and better daily.Sean modestly has not mentioned the superb 2nd leg he ran for the Vets A team. His time of 12.03 was the 4th fastest of the day and the 2nd and 3rd fastest of the day were both only 1 second ahead at 12.02. I think that is 1-1 this week Sean me and you- decider tomorrow :)

  4. Great day and well done to all who ran. As hard it will be, those of you who know me will understand why, I have decoded to join up and, all being well, will be running in the white and a little bit black, if TBH.

    • Brilliant news! Great to have someone like you in the club Ronnie. Look forward to many more memorable days in the ‘white and a little bit of black’!!!

  5. Well done to all who ran.. I was great to see you all out there.. Everyone from Tyne Bridge Harriers looked strong, focused and committed and a great result for us. As I said before.. it’s the shape of things to come.

    Welcome along Ronnie.. it’s great news that you are joining TBH

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