We would like to congratulate two of our club members for their two new recent & important appointments.

Dave Moir

Firstly, congratulations to our Club Treasurer Dave Moir for his appointment onto the committee for North Eastern Counties Athletics Association (NECAA), NECAA are the body that looks after Athletics Events, Coaching, Officials etc. It’s fantastic that Tyne Bridge Harriers will be taking an active role in Regional Athletics in the future.

Micky Baker

Secondly, Congratulations go to Micky Baker who has been appointed as the new General Secretary of the Cross Country Harrier League. Micky has always been an excellent ambassador for the NEHL and in our opinion is the absolute ideal candidate for this position.

In his 1st year of the job he will be known as ‘Shadow’ secretary as he will be following the Current secretary and learning the role.

The appointment of both these positions once again go to show just how far Tyne Bridge Harriers have come is such a short space of time. We have certainly made out mark and to have two of our experienced & respected club members in such prominent positions on these important committees is absolutely fantastic news for the individuals and the club alike.

We wish Dave & Micky all the very best and we know that you will do an excellent job in your new roles. We are all very proud of you both.

Well Done !!


4 Responses

  1. Its great what we have achieved in just 6 months with almost 60 paid up members and more on the brink of joining and 2 on the committee of the North East Athletics and Cross Country.

    As the saying goes – the future looks bright , the future is black and white :)

  2. Superb news and congratulations to both of you. I couldn’t think of two better people for those roles.

    The future is most certainly looking bright !!

    ..and here’s another tag line

    “Everything makes sense when it’s in Black n White”

    (I know it doesn’t rhyme but it’s still true all the same :-) )

    Well Done again lads !!

  3. Well done to you both, you are a credit to the club. “shadow” thats a name which has to catch on.

  4. Maybe we should address Micky as ‘The General’. Micky is the ‘runners’ runner’ who understands cross country inside out. Great appointment!

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