Tonight we saw 26 Tyne Bridge Harriers recording results on the undulating course of the Tynedale 10K. Some absolutely cracking runs and one or two PB’s
Well done to Sam Collier, Denise Waugh & Chris Thompson for completing their very first 10K this evening.. fantastic.. and doesn’t it feel good to get that first one under your belt !!
Tyne Bridge Harriers were 3rd Mens Team overall on the night. A superb achievement for our first Club race where we were able to be counted as a team (all bans are now served !!! ).. CONGRATULATIONS lads.
06 0:33:55 CARTER, Tony
16 0:35:23 MACPHERSON, Kenny
20 0:35:58 HILTON, Paul
Chris Thompson has sent in this report of his experience at Tynedale
My only other experience of a 10k was in 06 when I ran up at Alnwick but I wasn’t into running, didn’t train and it was more for the craik. So this one had my nerves jangling. I started running with TBH to lose a few cup sizes off my moobies, which is going well so far. Then I did a parkrun. I liked it. Even though i nearly died doing it. I have done 6 now and have been steadily improving under the guidance of Dave Anderson and it has been great.
It appears I have come down with a bad case of runna-titis because I cant stop now. I blame the great sessions that are put on every week by the Daves.
So Tynedale. I hadn’t registered early due to a lack of cojones but as it drew nearer I couldn’t help but be lured in by the buzz surrounding the race. I decided I was going to sign up on the night when Trevor Wakenshaw said his number was going spare, gutted you had to pull out though Trevor. It was a sign from the big man in the clouds. God, not Richard Branson.
Taking heed of Scotch Ken’s pre race email I made sure I ate well and made sure I didn’t need a two’sie during the race. Wednesday was a nervous day, the thunder didn’t exactly fill me with excitement either.
On the way there Sean Kelly and Kenny Mac were giving Piers and myself some pearls of wisdom as we drove along the first 3 miles of the course, taking particular note of the never ending incline from about 2 1/4 miles. Ouch. ‘Don’t go to fast early’ and ‘Treat it as a 5 mile race, with a gimme first mile’ stuck in my mind as we prepared to pile down the start. The horn went, I started a bit farther back than I probably should have and took the down hill very easy. When the big hill I had plenty of steam and was splitting my concentration between the race and the beautiful scenery. Top of the hill came feeling good and I kept a steady pace through Wylam and into the woods.
I got to 5 miles and thought, there’s plenty in the tank. should I go? No, no ill just wait a bit, don’t want to go early. So I waited till 6 miles, at which point Rich T screams ‘go on, 400 meters to go’. At that point panic set in, I haven’t ‘gone’ yet, so with that i start shifting through the gears, passing people left right and centre and i really start pushing it when I see the TBH army and hear their encouragement. I managed to keep it going to the end and nearly took out one of the organisers as I struggled to hit the brakes. What an amazing experience.
I wanted to go again! My first proper 10k and I loved it.
Apparently no runner is ever happy. Of course, I wish I had have picked up the pace sooner because the tank was no where near empty but the experience was brilliant. Everyone was there for everyone else, Dan Birchall, Rich, Jan and everyone else that came along to support were amazing. Its more like a family than a runing club. The only low point of the day for me was the moment of realisation in the car as I was talking to Kenny about cross country season that I wont be here to see it. Caught up in the moment I totally forgot that I will be moving daan saaf to Essex in October so my TBH career wont even last a year. I will be making the most of the next 3 months, but I think that thanks to TBH I will be running for alot longer than just 3 months. Proper massive totally completely loving being part of the club.
Yours in Black n White,
Here are the Tyne Bridge Harriers results.. Well done everyone.
Tynedale 10K
Full results can be found HERE
7 Responses
Well done to all my fellow club mates on a great night for the club. And a special mention to all those who came along and offered their support.
Hey no worries i changed the number on the night so i recon it was because they hadn’t typed it in or something.
Dave, Dave, Dave…
If ever I forgot anyones name in the club, I’m just going to call them Dave as the chance are I’ll be right!
Well done to all who ran and supported.
Another great night for Tyne Bridge Harriers with a host of excellent performances. The report from Chris encapsulates what it is to be a member of the club.
Once again I received numerous compliments from members of other ‘established’ clubs in relation to the number of Tyne Bridge vests on show, we are definitely making an impact.
David (Dave 3)
Fantastic turn out and brilliant support. We were 3rd overall team only beaten by Morpeth and Sunderland.
Dave can you get in touch with Tynedale Race organiser though as they seemed to have missed out David and Davey from results
TBH third place team! congratulations to everyone who turned up on the night