30 Tyne Bridge Harriers took part in the 5th race of the Summer Series Grand Prix last night and the tough 2 mile blast at Jesmond Dene.
Congratulations go to Donna Scott who won the race and also receives a free entry into the Jelly Tea 10 Mile Road Race on 4th September.
Once again Marc Fenwick continues his superb Racing form by breaking his own record and setting a brand new Course record of 10:20 !! Well done Marc.
TBH Athlete and newly appointed StatMan Brian Scot also posted this on our popular Facebook Page
Just for the statisticians out there… some marked improvements from last nights GP5 race results over our GP4 race held 4 weeks ago.
Biggest shout must be for Marc Fenwick for setting a NEW course record and beating his GP4 time by 6secs to finish in an mightily impressive 10:20 Well Done Mark!
Greatness aside by far and away the most improved time was for Catherine Smith who shaved over a minute off her GP4 time (14:29 v 15:31)
Cat Willis finished 29secs quicker (13:20 v 13:49)
Colin White -27secs (17:23 v 17:50)
Daniel Mark Coyle -21secs (12:41 v 13:02)
Both Kerry Reed & Gary Wright bettered by 20secs (14:39 v 14:59) & (12:17 v 12:37) respectively.
John Hurse -19 (12:01 v 12:20)
Dave Appleby -15secs (11:32 v 11:47)
Colin Rainey -6secs (13:40 v 13:46)
Me… I sneaked home at 15:04 which was 38secs quicker. Happy TBH’r
Superb turnout and well done to everyone who took part, those who managed PB’s and as always a very special mention to the Marshals & Supporters who made sure the race ran smoothly.
The overall points table will be published shortly and the final race of the Series will take place on Tuesday 20th September
Tyne Bridge Harriers 'Summer Series' GP: Race 5
Fastest Men
14 Marc FENWICK 10:20 (NEW Course Record)
23 Sparrow MORLEY 11:23
16 Keith SMITH 11:27
Fastest Women
18 Catherine WILLIS 14:05
03 Catherine SMITH 14:29
06 Kerry REED 14:39
4 Responses
On hols but seen results. Well done to marc fenwick who is looking good for a 5k. Brilliant runs by donna and Brian scott. Nice to see Dave embleton up amongst the big boys and wow Catherine smith muchos improvement
Another fine turn out and at last, I see Jimmy T has finally put pen to paper!
Bit of a scribe error re Catherine Willis. Sorry Cat i had you down as having a 5min 30secs handicap (giving you a net finish time of 13:20) instead of the correct 4mins 45secs handicap (therefore netting at 14:05) As you are no doubt aware your GP4 time was 13:49
sack the statman :-D