Olivia Fenwick

Tyne Bridge Harriers would like to send huge congratulations to Samantha & Marc on the birth of their new baby Girl.

Olivia Fenwick was born at 14:50 today weighing in at 7lbs exactly

Mother and baby are doing great and father Marc is floating around on Cloud 9.. (mainly due to the copious amounts of Red Bull he’s been living on for the past 48 hours)

Welcome to the World Olivia & the very best to you all from your club mates at Tyne Bridge Harriers.



13 Responses

  1. Thanks very much guys, not sure what state i’ll be in tomorrow night for this grand prix haha been awak for 40+ hours nd drank way to many energy drinks. Time for bed!!

  2. Great news Marc. Congratulations! I’ve been following all of the postings about the drama leading up to the birth on Facebook. I hope Sam appreciates all the stress that you’ve been through. Beautiful little girl.

  3. Congratulations Marc and Samantha, I’m so happy for the both of you.
    No doubt Steve A. will be around shortly with Olivia’s membership form.

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