Here we are at Dave #8 and with only 4 more Dave’s to go to the BIG Da(ve), to-daves dave is Dave Rowe

Dave Rowe

I started running when I was at school doing x- country and 1500m, as I got older the distances became shorter until I was running no further than 400m. When I was old enough to enter public houses the running stopped, I did do 5 GNR in my late teens/early twenties with little or no training, just one of those idiots who thought I could rock up on the day and run 13 miles. So from age 22 until I was 36 no running.

I then entered the GNR again, a bit more training but still no sub 2h 3 years ago this very month I was challenged by a so called friend to run the Edinburgh marathon the following may, I entered and started my training. I was doing 25 miles a week which I considered pretty good for someone who hated running.

In March 2009 I joined my first club and was bitten by the running bug. I love running now and would run everyday if the old legs would allow.

I’ve now done 6 marathons and look forward to each one like it were Xmas, very sad I know! my favourite race is the North Tyneside 10k, I don’t know if its because its on Easter Sunday or because its normally blessed with good weather (it did snow about 4 years ago) but the atmosphere is always a bit different.

My aims for 2012 are to run a sub 40m 10k, to see the club continue to grow and hopefully compete in the javelin in one of the track meetings, throw 30m and not embarrass myself or my coach/mentor Mr Shades Kirtley.

may I wish you all a very merry xmas and successful new year.

In the words of Sir Brucie and Tess “keep running”

Dave Rowe


6 Responses

  1. Excellent Dave !! thanks very much for the profile report. As one of my ‘nemesis’ runners at the club, got to say that Dave is one of the funniest guys at TBH, he has a quick and dry sense of humour (right up my street !!) , never fail to have a good laugh when he’s around.

    He has inspired me in so many races as we are quite on par time-wise.. We are both hoping to dip below the sub 40 10K in 2012.. so the little competition between us is most definitely ON :-)

    All the very best for 2012 Dave.. here’s to more marathon success for you and see you out on the Javelin field very soon..

  2. The funniest of the Daves has ran 5 pbs this year and was winner of our 1st pb cup.
    As Shades says he has a dry sense of humour and is always smiling .

    As well as all them PBs this year he also got married to 1 of my old drinking buddies – Julie, you really must have a sense of humour for that 1 Dave (soz Julie).

    Hope you win the PB cup again next year and get Julie a pair of trainers for Christmas and get her to club as well.

  3. Great read Dave, very interesting what you find out about people on here. Great performances in 2011, I particularly remember seeing you in the Town Moor Marathon where you looked so comfortable and stormed to a fantastic time in difficult conditions on an awful course. All the best for 2012, loads more PB’s and a canny duel with Shades.

  4. good report dave. great season in 2011 and to get all them pbs like that has got to be all down to some great training sessions and alot of hard work well done and a congrats on the win.Have a great christmas and new Year

  5. Well done Dave ” 5 pb’s” Rowe. Great year you have had. Hope 2012 can be bettered. Looking forward to seeing your javelin exploits at the track when we compete with Heaton.

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