Penny Wilmott sends in the superb report from the Brighton Marathon
Brighton Marathon
I remember thinking after my very first Half Marathon (GNR September 2006) ‘there is no way I will EVER do a marathon!’. The very thought of running double the distance brought me out in a cold sweat! However, with the type of company I have been keeping over the last few years it was almost inevitable that the time would come when, glass of wine in hand, I’d sign myself up for my first marathon. After all, when you have friends who have done many marathons (more than 70 in one case!), or friends who have run ultra marathons (50 miles… 114 miles… 60 miles…) then it’s easy to start thinking ‘how hard can it be?’. The answer….. VERY hard!
My first marathon sign up was actually last year – the Edinburgh marathon 2011, but as so often is the case with me, my niggly hip decided otherwise and that one was binned. My first marathon was the rather wonderful Marathon du Medoc (near Bordeaux, South of France) in September 2011 (I REALLY recommend that one!) and I managed it with many stops in 5hr46. It was very hot, and I found it tough but the minute I crossed the finish line I knew I would be doing another marathon. The buzz was like nothing else….
Brighton 2012 was a marathon I just had to do. I had heard very good reviews, it is my ‘home town’, and when I signed up I knew quite a few people doing it (all of whom dropped out for various reasons sadly). Brighton is a wonderful city and the prospect of racing somewhere my family could actually come to watch was a great draw. The morning of Sunday 15th April finally came around. The weather was perfect – sunny with a blue sky and a cold breeze. In fact I have never run in such perfect running weather!
Brighton is a course with a lot of switchbacks, which means for those of us towards the back, there are many chances to see other runners further up the field (in fact I saw one of the elite women, possibly the winner, running into the finishing straight as I was going through the halfway point). The course starts with a lap of the park where the start was located. It all seemed well organised and easy. The first few miles were lined with thousands of supporters and I really enjoyed running at marathon pace (which is an easy pace for me) enjoying the atmosphere and surroundings.
Just before mile 5, there is a slight incline and the start of the main undulations that are pretty much done by mile 12 and are fairly minor. None of these were difficult for me and I breezed up the hills even though I haven’t done any hill training. Miles 6 to 12 are along the coast away from Brighton past the marina and onto the road along the tops of the cliffs towards Ovingdean. There were fewer supporters around this part of the course, but morale was high and there were plenty of runners with it being an out and back section of the course. I was feeling good and enjoying myself. There were plenty of water stops and they were providing fuel stops in the form of Clif shotblocks which I actually really like. There were also pacers for every 15 minutes between 3 and 5 hours, though I didn’t start near enough to the pacer that I was interested in.
After mile 12 you are coming past Palace pier and into thousands of supporters – the sound was amazing and people were shouting my name. I could see I was on target and doing well, crossing the half marathon point at 2hr20. I spotted my family who were waving a sign they’d made. My hip was beginning to give me a bit of bother and I was having to stop every few miles to stretch it out, trying not to worry too much about being able to complete the distance. At mile 14 there is a little loop (out and back) into Hove and Portslade, areas I know well and just before that point I passed the flat where I used to live. Support was great along this section and more water and fuel stations were available.

Penny Wilmott
I was aiming for sub 5 hours, and achieved 4hr55 – a PB of 51 minutes. Finishing a marathon is the best feeling in the world – for me it beats any PB at any other distance! Emotions whirl round and I feel absolutely exhausted. So would I do another marathon? DEFINITELY! But I think I’ll wait until I get my hip/back/pelvis issue under better control, as without the hip pain I reckon I could wipe more time off that PB. I’m looking forward to getting back into quality training with TBH and focusing on shorter distances and half marathons for the remainder of the year. I will be back!
Penny Wilmott
13 Responses
Congratulations Penny, on a great performance and an excellent race report. Running a marathon is just as much a mental test as a physical one and you came through both superbly. You will only get better after this.
Well done Penny, great run and a great race report. I always find I have a bit of a sticky patch at mile 19/20 regardless of which marathon it is, and like DD says, it requires more of a mental toughness to get through that.
Very proud of your achievement Penny. Well done.
Nice report, Penny, loved to read it. Must have been the perfect setting for a PB: perfect location and perfect weather. And what a brilliant time. Congratulations!
Congratulations on your fantastic run. You must be chuffed to bits. Great report too. I feel inspired!
I really enjoyed reading this report Penny. Congratulations on an excellent run and a well-earned PB.
Well done Penny, the marathon is a physical and mental challenge, great report.
That power station bit sounds dismal! Well done on getting through it and smashing that pb.
Brilliant stuff, well done Penny for smashing that PB!
Great report! Very inspiring and making me consider a marathon (something I never thought I’d say)! Well done
Fantastic report Penny! Congratulations on your PB! … ps – you’re looking far too fresh on the medal photo! well done again :D
brilliant run and report penny, well done on your pb.
great effort Penny,enjoyed your report., well done on your PB……..