Congratulations to everyone who finished the 2012 BUPA Great North Run.

Despite the drizzly conditions, nothing could distract from a fantastic event and the customary great support from the people of the North East.

Tyne Bridge members came away from the race with mixed results, with several achieving PB’s after running some brilliant times, a dozen or so made their GNR debut and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, whilst, sadly for one or two, injury cruelly curtailed their race hopes. But there’s always next year.

Below are some of the members memories from this year’s Great North Run.


Well done everybody for Sunday, some great times! I managed 2:01:51 for my first half marathon. Going to have to run again next year and go for under 2 hours! Thank you to everyone for all the help and cheering along the way, was a fantastic day!

Bridget Shaw


I reckon I was the slowest runner from TBH but I did have a good excuse! (as will become clear once you see the photographs – DD). Easily one of the toughest half marathons I’ve ever done. It was almost as hot as Death Valley in that suit! It was Donna’s first half marathon, and although she ran with an injury, we both finished in 3:18:58.  An added level of difficulty was the weight of the collection bucket that I was carrying. It seems Tyneside wanted to empty it’s copper jars on Sunday! But got some good Radio and TV coverage so it was worthwhile.

Mark Allison (aka Run Geordie Run)


I did 1.49.18. Not a PB and have never felt so knackered at the end of any race! I was that bad I couldn’t make it to the baggage bus without sitting on the grass and devouring all food and drink in my goody bag first.
My only saving grace was I tried to help a lad about 250 metres from the finish, who was so obviously going to collapse that I tried to stop him running and get him to sit down. Only result, as he was somewhat bigger than me, was we both ended up on the deck. Mind you first aid were there straight away, so I hope that he was Ok as he didn’t look good when I left him!

Paul Gibson


1.29.28 Very pleased, as I was unsure I could break 1.30.00.

Mind you, I’ve been thinking, “I could’ve gone faster……”

Simon Pryde


I’m delighted at getting a new PB – 1:50:13 nearly 17 minutes off last years time. I would have been delighted with 2 hours, I was planning on around 2:05 ish

Overjoyed is an understatement !!

Graham Smith


My time was 2.11.12 and yes was a pb. 16 minutes off last years time. Better start putting the work in now to get as close to the 2hr mark as possible next year!

Joanne Lee


I ran the great north run last year for my fortieth birthday and loved it so much that I decided to do it again and join a club to try and get my time down. Lizzy Clamp and Darryl Davison recommended Tyne Bridge Harriers, and 4 months of sessions in group 5 and then 4 have paid off with a time of 1.46.15 – 11 minutes faster than last year, and 4 minutes quicker than my target time of 1.50! Thank you Tyne Bridge, especially group 4 and 5 coaches and fellow runners! Now, what target should I set for next year?

Charlotte Carpenter


I did this year’s Great North Run in 2hrs and 1 minute, which is about 19 minutes off my time of 2hrs and 20 from last year. I put in 10 months of training and all the help from Tyne Bridge was great. Thanks everyone at the club ;-)                        

Imran Mohammed


GNR, it seems that the amount of confidence I have before a race is in inverse proportion to how well things work out! Accidentally put the garmin on compass – not virtual partner – so just had to resort to plan B, “run like hell” …it worked, buzzing with a new pb of 1.22.57!

Rob Wishart


Well after my catalogue of injuries and the despite fact I haven’t run A) more than 10k since I broke my heel or B) at all in two weeks cos of ligament sprain, I decided last minute on Saturday to go ahead and try. I had one of the best races ever and a very emotional finish.
There is nothing like the GNR and I was so happy to be back there.

Anji Close


It was my first half marathon and I only joined the club a week ago, but its really been awesome seeing all the support everyone’s been giving each other. I have a feeling TBH is going to be a happy place to be :-)  It was such a great atmosphere, and having to weave through the crowds kept me distracted from the slog at least!

Anyway, after saying I’d be pleased with anything under 2 hours, I got 1:55:40 so I’m well happy with that :-)

Pip Nichol


Congratulations to everyone, a lot of great times. I thought it was a great race, much better/ more enjoyable than my first one last year!
Also got a PB by 11 mins to get 1.30.18 very happy :-). Under 1.30 next tho!!

Sophie Marr


My time was 2.33.51. First time, found it hard but so pleased I did it and honestlt don’t think I could have completed it with TBH.

Helen Fox


Some excellent results from TBH. Well done to all. Good running conditions with another excellent atmosphere! Finished in 1:51, pb by 12 mins from last year. Steve Compton finished only a few seconds behind, that’s about the 3rd race we have been separated by only seconds.
Stuart Dickson


I thought crossing the line in 1h 21m 59s would be my abiding memory from the 2012 GNR, but then witnessed an act of kindness that will live with me for a very long time. Having caught the ferry over to North Shields I was invited back to Kenny Mac’s house for a bite to eat and on the way we bumped into several of his neighbours who were outside watching the Red Devils air display. One of the neighbours asked Kenny whether he had completed the GNR and on hearing his finishing time (an astounding 1h 16m) quickly called out for her young son to congratulate Kenny on his performance. The boy, no more than five or six years old, said well done and was obviously delighted for Kenny. But then, without a word of warning, Kenny reached into his GNR goody bag, plucked out his finisher’s medal and handed it to the young boy. Well, if seeing the Red Devil’s hadn’t made the boy’s day, then getting this tremendous present certainly did. He quickly ran up the street showing off ‘his’ medal to all his friends. Unforgettable. And a sign of what a true gentleman Kenny is.

David Daniels


A huge congrats to all of you who ran the GNR today. PB’s all round-well done.
Caroline Freeman x


congratulations to everyone today! I have only been a member of TBH for a couple of months, I ran my first half marathon today and managed 2hr 14m which I was really pleased with. All thanks to TBH for helping me improve!

Kate Gordon


I had a torrid race with a recurrence of my foot injury at mile 4. My first 4 miles was great, but then after that I struggled massively with intense pain having to alternate between walking and jogging and just about crawling the last mile.

I finished in 3 hours 8 minutes and 43 seconds. I wanted 2 hrs 45 so an additional 20 isn’t the end of the world but I am disappointed at the injury.

Diane Pringle


Fantastic day, first GNR for me and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience! Managed 1.40 which I was very pleased with! Glad to hear there were so many pb’s…. Proves how good the club is!

Emma Wright


Tyne Bridge Harriers Times


David Beech 1:15:23

Kenny Mac 1:16:21

Joseph Turner 1:16:28

Kevin Jeffress 1:17:06

Sparrow Morley 1:17:38

Paul Hilton 1:21:01

Ian Jackman 1:21:52

David Daniels 1:21:59

Rob Wishart 1:22:57

Mark Prendergast 1:25:31

John Hurse 1:25:53

Mike Norbury 1:26:30

Stephen Dixon 1:26:45

Andy Harrison 1:27:46

Shaun Brown 1:28:21

Dave Antill 1:29:50

Alex Lockwood 1:30:15

Sophie Marr 1:30:18

Dave Young 1:31:20

Claud Kelley 1:32:33

James Robson 1:35:02

Graham King 1:36:06

Kerry Reed 1:39:10

Micky Baker 1:39:20

Lucy Matheson 1:39:58

Emma Wright 1:40

Andy Lisle 1:42:48

Charlotte Carpenter 1:46:15

Keith Rooney 1:47:27

Chris Parkin 1:47:31

Paul Gibson 1:49:18

Holly White 1:49:45

Elspeth Lawson 1:49:49

Graham Smith 1:50:13

Stuart Dickson 1:51:01

Steven Compton 1:51:10

Kerry Neill 1:52:20

Joy Allen 1:52:24

Jane Lowes 1:55:16

Pip Nichol 1:55:40

Denise Waugh 1:58:21

Nicola Brady 1:58:04

Amy Jaroskiewicz 2:01:06

Bridget Shaw 2:01:51

Imran Mohammed 2:01

Davina Reay 2:05:27

Clare Smith 2:06:47

Anji Close 2:11:31

Rob Kirtley 2:11:31

Gail Allan 2:11:49

Sue Mullinger 2:13:56

Naomi Allen 2:13:59

Kate Gordon 2:14:19

Helen Fox 2:33:51

Diane Pringle 3:08:43

Mark Allison 3:18:58

Donna Houghton 3:18:58

(Awaiting confirmation of remaining member’s times)


Start of the 2012 BUPA Great North Run


Race leaders begin to break away


Can you spot the TBH’ers?


David Beech


Kenny Mac


Kevin Jeffress


Sparrow Morley


Paul Hilton


Ian Jackman


David Daniels


James Robson


Who could this possibly be?


Donna Houghton and Mark Allison in costume


Just follow the A167 road


Thanks to Fred Henderson for the photographs through the Nook.


6 Responses

  1. There are, as there should be, many different opinions about the GNR and the motives and intentions of the organisers, especially in their relationship to the root and branch clubs in our sport – but one thing that cannot be denied is the way in which this event continually inspires people to participate and to to seek to expand their personal boundaries. The comments collected by DD above are superb and reflect so much about our great sport. Well done to everyone from TBH who took part – let this be one step on a personal pursuit of excellence. Well done!

  2. Paul & All,
    Firstly, many thanks to all the TBH who looked after me at the Low Lights, North Shields, you made me feel most welcome, cheers Micky B.
    As i keep telling people who will listen, that was my 28th GNR & over the years i have experienced many lovely acts of Human kindness and have dozens & dozens of great memories of previous GNR’s, but Kenny Mac’s fantastic gesture as so well descibed by DD tops the lot. Fantastic!!
    Here’s to continued success to you guy’s you deserve it

    • 28!! Why didn’t you say so. And I bet each one gets harder haha!!

      It was great to have your company on Sunday and hopefully we can all do it again next year.
      How many will that be then? ;-)

  3. If you’re having trouble spotting the TBH’ers in photographs 1 & 3, here are the members you should be looking out for;

    Photograph 1: Kenny Mac, David Beech, Mike Norbury, Paul Hilton, Sparrow Morley and Joseph Turner.

    Photograph 3: Ian Jackman, David Daniels and Micky Baker.

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