As you probably know Newcastle City Council are starting Aqua Running sessions at East End Pool on Friday nights. They have also arranged a number of other taster sessions at other pools in the City.

Members of Tyne Bridge Harriers are welcome to try these sessions out, free of charge, all they need to do is contact Tamela Davison at and let her know which session they are interested in.

Please note, the session at East End Pool on Friday evenings has a class capacity of 30 and the Monday lunch-time sessions at City Pool are fully booked.

This is not a standard aqua running session, it is a trademarked activity and uses a  Hydro Buoyancy System rather than a standard belt. If people want to find out more they can visit the website .

During the session participants stay in one spot and train in that area; there is no music, no running up and down the pool. It’s very much like a circuit session.


The classes will be split into 3 elements

Aqua Bells (upper and lower body workout)
Cardio tempo work


Schedule of free sessions.



For further information please contact Tamela Davison


4 Responses

  1. If anybody is interested you aren’t limited to one session subject to availability you can do as many as you like or are pyhsically able to. Based on a recent Tweet by Vicki Deritis I am very interested in seeing Badger Tollitt take part in one of these sessions.

  2. Did my first one today at City Pool and was pleasantly surprised, a really good workout combining cardio, resistance and core work with short recoveries. Back at City Pool tomorrow at 8.00 am for another session

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