With four races down and two to go in the 2012/13 North East Harrier League season, the race to become Tyne Bridge Harrier’s Male Champion is hotting up nicely. Currently in the lead is club Captain, Paul Hilton, with a 40pts gap over 2nd placed athlete, Mark Reynolds. In 3rd place, and still within striking distance for the title, is Tony Carter, who has consistently ran well this season from the Fast Pack.

Will the next fixture prove decisive for one of the leading bunch?


Meanwhile, in the Ladies competition, the ever reliable Lisa Walker continues her march to be crowned Female Champion. There may be faster ladies at the club than Lisa, but none as dependable or as dedicated when it comes to cross-country running. Sophie Marr, Lynne Cornell and Kym Eden currently lie in 2nd, 3rd and 4th place respectively.


Overall - TBH Mens Scores for the Harrier League 2012/13



Overall - TBH Ladies Scores for the Harrier League 2012/13


Tyne Bridge for Harrier League Handicap – Rules and Points allocation

100 bonus points for doing all 8 fixtures

20 points for finishing as a counter

Points for placing (Men)

1st -10th = 100

11th – 20th = 90

21st – 30th = 80

31st – 80th = 70

81st – 130th = 60

131st – 180th = 50

181st – 250th = 40

251st – 320th = 30

321 + = 20


Points for placing (Women)

1st -10th = 100

11th – 30th = 90

31st – 50th = 80

51st – 70th = 70

71st – 90th = 60

91st – 110th = 50

111th – 130th = 40

131st – 150th = 30

151+ = 20


Each athlete also has a fixed number of handicap points for all “Harrier League Fixture, which range from 10 – 100 these are added for each completed race.” There are two none handicapped races where each finishing athlete also gains points towards there final total.

“H/C Points and “”scoring points”” for placing + Counting points”

Bonus points for moving up a pack M – F = 20 S – M = 10

Man of the Match Bonus 20 points Awarded for best performance (not necessarily the fastest run)

Representing the club by Officiating – receive average points to date


The next Harrier League fixture takes place on Saturday, 2nd March, at Alnwick.


Many thanks to David Appleby for updating the tables.



3 Responses

  1. Is the scoring system still as it was at the start of the season? I want to fully understand my impending victory.

  2. Argh just noticed you get bonus points for doing all 8 I’m doomed! Stupid not joining the club till after the Davison shield!

  3. The majority of elements of the scoring system have remained the same, for example the points for promotion between packs, the base handicap, team counter. We did slightly amend the place points to give a better spread across the much larger fields that the HL has seen this year. These changes were retrospectively applied to the early races in the series so no significant advantages or disadvantages should have been felt. The bonus for doing all 8 is a game clincher, it looks like it’s now down to a three horse race in the men’s series.

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