downloadThis coming Sunday, March 3rd, club members Anji Rippon and Graham Smith are hosting a 10k run along Newcastle Quayside to raise awareness of Tiny Lives, the premature baby unit at the RVI.

The event is not a race, more a get-together and training session lead-paced at 8:30min/mile and back-paced as slow as you like. It’s free to join in and would be wonderful to see loads of members participating and hopefully raising a good few quid for such an amazing charity.


Runners are asked to meet at Baltic Sq 9:30-9:45 for a 10:00am start (see map below).


Pass the word to family, friends and friends of friends as all are welcome.


For more information about the Tiny Lives charity, please click here, and to read more about Anji‘s fundraising campaign, click here.


Location of Start


 View Start Area in a larger map


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