The Beginning
Starting as a conversation in the pub after the Great North Run 2012, the subject inevitably turned to the customary comparison of mile splits. This led to the question of rather than running 13 or 26 consecutive miles, how fast could we run just one? Thus the TBH Golden Mile was born.
One theory for how to make yourself a faster runner is that if you can increase your basic speed over shorter distances then this in turn improves your times over the longer distances. The TBH Golden Mile is a challenge to target improving speed and make you a stronger runner.
The Challenge
Turn up to Churchill track at 11am for the session on the 24th of March and produce your best all out single mile on the track. Then, complete a six week mile specific training schedule culminating with a track championship on 11th May at Churchill Track.
Based on the initial times achieved competitors must then target an improved time to achieve at the end. The training schedule will target looking at learning how to even split races, good judgement of pace and improving basic speed.
In the final Championship runners will be separated out into groups of ability for those targeting a 7, 6 and 5 etc. mile.
The winner of the whole event will be based on the percentage of their own improvements made divided by the age graded percentage. There will also be a First man and First Woman prize. In order to qualify for the competition BOTH races must be completed.
What to do now
All those interested in taking part need to enter their names into the spreadsheet and a predicted time for the first event (linked below). This can be rounded to within 30 second increments and is to simply organise the initial event.
Please use this website and type in the number that appears in the final column ‘Average Prediction Time’ if you are unsure what to enter.
3 Responses
This is an AWESOME idea! Love it!!
What about those targeting the 4 min mile?
Not sure I can make the final championship date now
But still definitely up for doing the initial heat and seeing how I do