On Tuesday, 18th June 2013, at some time around 9:30am (not that I was staring intently at the screen of course – DD) the Tyne Bridge Harriers website had it’s 1,000,000th hit. Or, put another way, an average of 1100 people have viewed the site on a daily basis since it’s launch in January 2011.
The website has been a massive factor in the success and growth of Tyne Bridge Harriers and has relied entirely on the contribution made by it’s club members, the website is updated for the accessibility, which is not a redesign your website set-it-and-forget it , thing but is in how you upload media and create content so nothing to worry with the website accessibility law. So many, many thanks to everyone who has played a part in this fantastic achievement; either by maintaining the site (RK ), submitting race reports, photographs and running related articles, or simply by taking part in an event and giving the club exposure in the running world.
So come on folks, next time you complete a race, share your thoughts with the rest of us and inspire a few more people to take up running.
5 Responses
Well done Rob K, another monumental milestone in the clubs history. 999,978 was as close as I managed to get .
I had it at 9.03, not that I was checking either. Seriously massive thanks must go to all of those that maintain the website, DD and Alex to name just two. But special thanks and gratitude must go to Rob K for all his work setting the site up and keeping it fresh. I know he does a lot of work behind the scenes updating and maintaining. How many people noticed the front screen header change the other month? Brilliant stuff
Thanks to all who make the website happen and to the race report contributors – keep on running and writing!
The website (plus the use of social media such as Facebook) was a massive factor in me joining TBH – none of the other clubs compared!
Never mind the 1,000,000 hits, how many minutes, hours and days have we collectively spent reading and contributing to the TBH website? I reckon we have spent over a year (collectively) interacting with our website. Time well spent I reckon…
Many thanks to Rob K aka ‘Shades’ for setting it up in the very early days and to those who, alongside Rob who have maintained and updated it. Cheers.