The Highland Bard Kenny Mac runs the Woodcock and pens the Craic:

A damp Autumnal afternoon set the scene,
For the Norman Woodcock, calm and serene.
Newcastle race course, the Northumbrian plate;
Runners in club vests, concerned about heart rate.
A PB? Winning? Completion the primary care.
As athletes gathered, a unified somnambulist stare.
Three times around the gallop’ed horse route.
With runners and rivals, determined pursuit.
Joy Fenwick blushing wearing race number “69”
Making a comeback since Bridges of the Tyne.
Kenny and Darryl both forgot their vests,
With Cuthbert and Marc rescuing the pests.
Twenty black and white started the race,
Fabulous running at breakneck pace.
PBs galore for all the world to see,
Anji Close, Keith Rooney, Stevie Barker and lil ol’ me!
Lots of TBH, their virgin 5 mile,
The joy on their faces made me smile.
Alison Bulman, Jane Shearer, Steve Shotton and Co.,
A few more months’ training and watch them go.
Nick Pearson and Davy Anderson back to their best,
With Rob KIrtley and Phil Scott proud in their vests.
Matt Collins and Michael Nemeth done us proud.
Outstanding, spectacular, stood out from the crowd
Scottish Internationalist, Cameron Boyek won the race,
All others beaten, sank without trace.
A recovery run with Paul Merrison order of the day,
Waiting for the prize giving to get underway.
Elswick Harriers put on a might fine show.
The race results certainly weren’t slow.
Tyne Bridge men’s team majestically win 1st prize.
Alistair Spanner, 2nd vet 40, potential to realise.
Kenny next up to collect 2nd V45.
Kym Eden first vet lady, the whole crowd arise.
Sparrow Morley 4th, watch his stock rise,
Just what will he do with a certain Kiwi to advise,
Well the road racing season is nearly all done.
Battles lost and conquests won.
Please reflect on the year you have had
And fellow runners please be glad
That you run, keep fit and competitively compete.
If your unattached or need a change you know where we meet!
So rest, recuperate, enjoy tonight’s beer.
See you at Jarrow XC tomorrow, whether you race or cheer!


4 Responses

  1. Has to be unique this: a race report in a poem. Extraordinary that you penned it in only 30 mins! Quite remarkable. There must be something in the Highland water! And you PBed to boot! Well done.

  2. thank you Kenny for a cracking read
    how good it was to see the club succeed
    I always knew the club had good guys
    as they proved by scooping the prize
    PB’s galore all over the place
    cheesy grins on everyone’s face
    well done to all the runners

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