It gives me great pleasure to announce Dave Moir as April’s TBH Member of the Month.
A fabulous month saw Dave finish the London Marathon in a time of 2:52, get a call-up for the North East Counties for the forth-coming Inter Counties Fell Running Championships (Witton Park, Blackburn on 18th May) and achieve his UK Athletics Coach Level 2 qualification.
Well done Dave.
(the following photograph was posted after Darryl’s comment below)

(l-r)mad dawg, fenners, dazza & smiffy
9 Responses
maaaaaaaadddddd dawg!
A most worthy member.
Well done Mr. M, well deserved. The report failed to mention your biggest achievement, controlling the rabble on a Wednesday.
Well done, Dave. Fantastic stuff!
Not to mention giving me a lift to the vet relay race on Wednesday. Well done Dave.
That must be one of the best TBH photos ever captured, so wrong but so right. Pity DD2 has dumped us and Smithy is MIA. Well done old Psycho Eyes, really well deserved for all the work you put in behind the scenes in addition to some great performances, and a Fell call up which is hilarious, but you do have a100% record on the fells. Doesn’t he Louis Goffe?
Highly deserved Psycho Eyes! The article forgot to mention his uncanny impression of a slathering dog chasing a butcher with a dozen cumberland links stuffed in his pockets! I wish him well on the fells, just hope he has maintained his form from Goffetonbury
Woof! Woof! Woof!
Boom- well done Mad Dog!