One of the advantages of being a club member is meeting other people to join you for a run.
Not only do run’s seem to pass by quicker but there’s also a sense of safety when running with others.
But sometimes you have no option but to venture out alone, and should anything happen to you can you be sure the emergency services will be able to contact your next of kin.
Club member Chris Bartlett went looking for a solution and found Tagnix.

tagnix: TBH Dog-tag
Supplying them with the club logo, Tagnix came back with a strong, durable dog-tag, with the logo laser etched on one side and Chris’s contact details on the other.
So although the tag doesn’t make Chris run any faster it does give him peace of mind whilst he’s out running, which in turn make his run’s more enjoyable.
If you’d like more information about the tags, either have a word with Chris or check out the Tagnix website.
note: other suppliers of id dog-tags are available.
4 Responses
I thought they can identify a person through dental records and/or DNA?
correct on both counts Si. This is just a fast and easy way to let authorities know who you are and who to contact in an emergency.
I would hope they’d have other methods for if you’re alive and unconscious though Si!
Fair one Beth. So it’s more if you get lost or mugged? I once got lost and mugged (Stag do in South Africa) … but that’s another story