April member of the month Alasdair ran another brilliant London marathon, bagging himself a PB of 2.53 but also pacing it like a pro, consistently hitting 6.34-6.36 min/miles every single mile!👊🏻 Having not been eligible to win MoTM for many years whilst on the TBH Committee, it was also noted that Al consistently turns out for club events, helping out the “lads” whenever he can and that he is an all-round nice guy!

What is your ideal pre-race snack/breakfast?
Chocolate porridge with a banana is my go-to breakfast. A couple of espressos, then a flat Lucozade in the pen.

What is your ideal post-race snack/meal? 
Beer!! After that I’ll be happy with anything unhealthy. Pizza, burgers, curry…

Are you a hot or cold weather runner?
I get a lot more satisfaction and endorphins from winter training so probably cold weather, with a bit of rain thrown in for good measure.

Flat course or hills? 
Hills always make it more interesting. The odd flat course is good if I’m going for a time, but I’ve never let a course profile put me off entering a race.

Long or short distance?  
I’ve gravitated to longer stuff in recent years. Quite like to mix it up though as it all benefits in some way so I’ll generally cover most distances across any year.

How many times a week do you tend to exercise, are there other things you do that you think help your running? 
I generally try and run 5-6 times a week. We got an indoor trainer through lockdown to try and supplement our running and that seems to help quite a bit. The garage gym probably needs the cobwebs wiped off it soon too.

What is your favourite song to listen to while running? 
I generally listen to a couple of football podcasts (Football Ramble, Football Cliches) as they tend to last the equivalent of 6-8 miles which is my usual distance for a solo run. Other than that, I have an ever-expanding playlist on my watch that covers anything from Mogwai to Stormzy to Van Halen.

What is the main piece of kit you couldn’t do without?  
An app on my Garmin called Peter’s Pacer. It snaps your watch pace to the official mile markers, so you never have to adjust for variations in satellite or do any mental arithmetic, an absolute godsend when running through built up areas.
I’m also happy to have found my ideal marathon shorts, with enough pockets for gels so no need for any belts etc. The downside is I now buy a lot more of their kit and it’s not the cheapest!

What has been the most surprising thing you have found since you started running?
The longevity of it as a hobby. There’s always something new to do, be it a new route, race or terrain. It’s now just part of my routine and I couldn’t imagine it not being.

Who is your biggest running inspiration?
Marc Fenwick. What a guy!

What is your proudest running achievement? 
I’m very satisfied with the way I’ve approached my sub 3 marathons pace-wise. Each had different aims, but all went pretty much perfectly.

What is your happiest running memory? 
All the trips abroad have been great. I’ve travelled to Amsterdam (x3), Nice (x2), Palma and Prague with other club members and always looking to go somewhere else!

What is your favourite running event and why? 
I’ve always enjoyed the Northumberland Coastal Run, but I think that’s more from a route perspective than the event itself. The big local events like the Great North Run and Blaydon are always good fun.
However, the best event must be National 12 Stage relays at Sutton Park. The chance to race alongside some of the best runners in the country and getting your club seen on a national stage. Plus, the ice cream van at the turnaround point is top notch!

What is your biggest challenge to running and training and how do you try to overcome this? 
Fluctuations in motivation, especially after a target race. To overcome I don’t put too much stress on doing anything really, just keep ticking over until another stimulus presents itself. Variation in running routes and training groups helps with that.

What is your main training goal at the moment? 
After the marathon I don’t really have one as I held off entering much in the build-up. I’ll do the Great North Run again, then I’ll need to decide if I do another marathon next year or not as the temptation to use the Good For Age qualification for another major is high!

What are your favourite things about being a member of TBH?
Well, I met my wife through the club haha. In all seriousness, it’s been a great way of meeting new friends from all walks of life. After over a decade we still have a strong friendship group that keeps in touch despite a few leaving the club or stopping running all together.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting running?  
Stick on some trainers and get outside. In my first few weeks, I would go out once or twice for 2-3 miles with frequent walking breaks and built steadily from there. Then join a small club in Byker!



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