Author: Yamuna Thiru

Everyone knows about Parkrun.
Parkrun is 5km – a free, community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate.
The first Parkrun took place in Bushy Park on the 2nd October 2024. Leap forward 20 years  and there are currently 1,287 Parkrun events around the UK, not to mention events across the continents.

For this piece I thought I’d share some ways in which you can use Parkrun in your training programme.
There are many options to consider, but the one thing I would guard against is using it as a 5km time trial week in and week out.  I challenge you to find any training programme that incorporates this. 

As with all your running, think about the goal:

  • Run easy
    • Build the aerobic base.
    • Easy 5km run at conversational pace. Catch up with running friends and have a chat.  Put the world to rights and set yourself up for a great weekend.  You can add in a few km before or after and even make it into your long run.
  • Did you miss a session at the club this week or are you unable to make it to the track? Try one of these runs.  A little warm-up is advisable; you know how much you need to get your legs going.  A few drills wouldn’t go amiss either.
  • Progression run
    • Start at 20 seconds above your 5km race pace and increase by 5 seconds every 1km, so the last km is at 5km race pace.
    • Practice the discipline of pacing and pushing the pace as the going gets tough.
  • Paced run
    • Run at your target 10km/10 mile, etc. pace.
    • Threshold/tempo running
    • Pick up the pace in the final km/mile and run it at 5km or 10km race pace. This requires discipline but will help you to finish strong in races, no matter how tired you might be feeling. 
    • Practice makes for perfection.
  • Part of a longer run when training for a half marathon or marathon
    • Aim to put some miles in before the start, and finish off with a 5km section.  This could be the section where you pick up the pace and run at your half marathon pace, etc.

How does Parkrun help you do these sessions?
It’s hard to pick up the pace or stick to a less than comfortable pace on solo runs; you are harnessing the power of people around you to keep you on target, just as you would at a club training session.

And once in a while – it’s a 5km time trial!

  • Race it, prep appropriately. This might mean swapping the Thursday club session and running easy instead.  If you’re going for a time, give yourself the best opportunity to perform well.
  • Maybe try a different park run to make it feel more of an event. Most Parkruns have pacers once a month, so target one of these and/or ask a fellow TBH to pace you. 
  • Get there in time to warm up and do some drills. Then go for it!

And after your Parkrun, however you chose to run it, remember to take home three positives and one thing you’ll do differently next time.
Then move on, thank the volunteers and enjoy the social.

Last but not least…
Every Parkrun depends on volunteers, so make sure you help now and again. 
It is extremely rewarding and great fun.



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