Paavo Nurmi Marathon (Turku, Finland) Race report by Colin Dilks I had heard of this city […]
Northern Frontrunners Gay 5k race report by Colin Dilks This was guaranteed to be a race […]
Tyne Bridge were represented at three parkrun events this weekend, with eight members at Newcastle, one member at Leeds and […]
(updated 27th July 2012) Following sterling work by Newcastle City Council and members of Elswick Harriers, this year’s […]
This year’s Tynedale 10 Mile road road takes place on Sunday 2nd September and entries are going […]
2012 Coastal Run race report by Sean Kelly Thrills, spills and awesome views. The Coastal Run […]
Great North 10k Run by Stuart Dickson 5am early morning start and it’s down to the […]
Lochalsh Dirty 30, Saturday 9th June 2012 by Colin Dilks This is a race that I […]
As part of the the Newcastle Pride celebrations, a 5k fun was scheduled to take place around […]
Another week and another change of course at Newcastle parkrun With the Gay Pride exhibition going […]
The Northumberland Coastal Run, superbly organised by Alnwick Harriers, is one of the highlights of the […]
Congratulations to the 16 members who took part in this year’s BUPA Great North 10k run. Conditions […]
this week’s training sessions are;   Tuesday 24th Gp.1: Hills Gp.2: Hills Gp.3: Hills Gp.4: 2 […]
On a perfect evening for racing, Jude Smith led home the pack of runners across the finishing line, with […]
Have you ever looked at pieces of so-called modern art these days and thought to yourself ‘I […]
This evening, 17th July, sees the 4th race of the 2012 Summer Grand Prix series, and […]
This week’s training sessions are;   Tuesday 17th 2012 Summer Grand Prix – Race 4 Members […]
Well done to all the members who ran parkrun this weekend. At Newcastle, the club had […]

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