Congratulations to Rob Kirtley who flew the flag for Tyne Bridge Harriers by running the 'undulating' 20 mile course of the Spen 20 >>
Hope everyone enjoyed themselves on Saturday night as Tyne Bridge Harriers held their first social evening to celebrate our newly formed club and our recent affiliation with UK Athletics.
Great results from Tyne Bridge Harriers in today's NEHL at Blaydon. 3 of our lads took on the course at Blaydon today and put in some superb performances >>
What a fantastic turn out from Tyne Bridge Harriers at this mornings parkrun on Newcastle Town Moor. 12 runners took part in our superb new club vests. 5 shiny new PB's recorded >>
This is a championship open to all veterans who are first claim members of a UKA affiliated club and qualify for the North- East by having residence >>
2 runners from Tyne Bridge Harriers recorded results from this mornings parkrun on Newcastle Town Moor. Results from Newcastle parkrun event 60 >>
If you are interested in joining Tyne Bridge Harriers you can now download
Tuesday 1st March All groups 2 x 2 miles with 4 minutes rest between reps. Beginners, or runners coming back from injury, an easy run following the other groups.
Hi all, the track session this Saturday will be 2 sets of 3 x 600m with […]
Club Captain Paul Hilton has offered to arrange a minibus to get members to Thirsk on […]
To mark the success so far (only 5 weeks old this week!) of Newcastle's latest Running Club and the recent affiliation to UK Athletics, members of Tyne Bridge Harriers, friends and family are invited to attend the first social event for the club so far.
Tuesday 22nd Feb 3 sets of Shuttle Runs, with 3 mins recovery between sets. Grp 1. […]
2 Tyne Bridge Harriers recorded scores from this mornings parkrun on Newcastle Town Moor. Results from Newcastle parkrun event 58.
Good News !! Our fantastic new Club Vests are going to be ready for print week […]
Congratulations go out to All members of the new Tyne Bridge Harriers who this week became […]
5 Tyne Bridge Harriers recorded scores from this mornings parkrun on Newcastle Town Moor. Results from Newcastle parkrun event 57.
Tyne Bridge Harriers were represented at Newcastle parkrun this morning. Newcastle parkrun. event 55 – 29/01/11 […]

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