Apologies if I appear to keep repeating myself but what else can I do if the […]
Monday evening’s S&C session consisted of the Bleep Test, one minute of press-ups and one minute of […]
This is a list of members of Tyne Bridge Harriers who participated at a parkrun on […]
Has all the mud, mud and more mud been getting you down? Does your running feel […]
A round-up of recent race results featuring Tyne Bridge Harriers.   Bramley 20M: Sunday, 15th February […]
The story so far. After getting up at stupid o’clock in the morning and boarding the […]
As already mentioned in a previous article, Tyne Bridge Harriers had a fantastic day-out at the […]
Despite a very wet and muddy course around Hampstead Heath (London), Louise Kelly reminisces on a […]
Following the recent fixture at Bedewell Park (Jarrow), the updated tables for this year’s Cross Country […]
This is a list of members of Tyne Bridge Harriers who participated at parkrun on Saturday, […]
Well done to all the members who competed in today’s Road Relay Championships at Hetton Lyons […]
Calling all runners, cyclists and those looking for a new sporting challenge; Coalfields Triathlon Club are […]
The entry form for the TGA Consulting Engineers Bridges Of The Tyne 5 Mile Road Race 2015 will open at 6:00 am on Saturday 28th February 2015.
Tyne Bridge Harriers are proud to have been asked to be a part of the This […]
This is a list of members of Tyne Bridge Harriers who participated at a parkrun on […]
Tyne Bridge Harriers have received some excellent news that will help the club continue to develop […]
Tyne Bridge Harriers are pleased to welcome TGA Consulting Engineers as headline sponsor of the 2015 […]
Ladies club captain, Sinead Coffey, offers her thanks to everyone who contributed to this year’s appeal. […]

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