The juniors had a brilliant opportunity at half term to travel to London and compete in the National Cross Country Championships at Parliament Hill, on Saturday 26 February.

The first Nationals took place nearly 150 years ago in 1876! There were just 32 competitors but the 2022 Nationals had over 8,000 entries from juniors to seniors from running clubs across the country.  

The trip started on Friday with the perfect warm up – a guided walk around the sights of London expertly planned and led by Ian Pickett, who had also organised the sunshine.  The route started by taking in a outdoor performance at Covent Garden, then via The Strand, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament,  Westminster Abbey, St James’ Park, Buckingham Palace, then through Green Park to the Ritz Hotel.

Highlights along the way included watching the changing of the guard at Horseguards Parade and going to the exact place on The Mall, in front of Buckingham Palace, where the London Marathon ends.  All the juniors lined up to get their picture taken, wearing their best ‘race face’.   Maybe a goal for the future?

We then took the Underground to NikeTown, the world’s biggest Nike store.  Ian had organised a tour and talks from athletes who included a competitive sprinter. It was then back to the hotel to freshen up.  Jack was impressed he clocked up over 25,000 steps: nearly 20 kilometres.

Pre-race nutrition started that evening with a pizza and pasta meal at Pizza Express.  Of course,  it was the pudding which gave the juniors their early competitive edge, with brownie and ice-cream and chocolate dipped  strawberries proving a popular choice.  Huge thanks to Rachael Perowne for the brilliant organisation of the whole trip and for sorting out our large party’s food orders.

Then it was back to hotels for some rest. We were staying in the Premier Inn but we hear the YHA next door was the party hotel to be… with the juniors staying up far later than the adults and playing card games well into the later evening.  
Race day,  and a full English breakfast (and more!!) proved a strong start to a busy schedule. Again, the superb TBH organisation extended to the weather which remained cool but sunny with bright blue skies. Perfect running conditions.   
Shortly after arriving at Hampstead Heath and finding the TBH tent amid the many coloured tents and flags at the top of the muddy hill it was spikes on, warm up with Dave and a light jog to the start.

Liam and Jack Whitelaw were both in the U13s race.  
Jack says: “At the start I felt really excited and couldn’t wait to get going as it was my very first national race.  I hoped I would do well.
“I really liked the mud. It was fun getting squelched and it was what I used to get ahead of people. 
“Charlie and I kept passing each other on the course and shouting to each other to keep going. 
“I was proud of how I did and everyone said I did really well. I would do it again to help me get even better.” 

Liam said: “I felt quite nervous and I had a bit of a slow start.  It was very clever putting the big hill at the start of the race to get you ready for the challenge ahead.  
“After a bit I saw my team mates ahead and decided to catch them up.  It made me work much harder.  I was pleased to finish knowing I’d put everything on the track.  
“The best thing about finishing was seeing everyone at the end, have lunch and a big rest.   I felt I’d earned my race hoodie!”

(For Dave’s purposes Liam and Jack refuelled on sandwiches that were a quick smash and grab purchase from Waitrose in Kings Cross – a pre-packed prawn, BLT and egg and cress combo plus cheese and onion crisps and fondant French fancies). 

There were some fantastic results from all.

First up were the U15 boys, a 4k race with David Carr leading the charge, achieving a time of 18.05 minutes and in 266th place.  He was followed by Jake Moir (19.49, 376th); Luis Nicol (20.26, 389th) and Harry Snaith (22.55, 406th). Ruby Colver competed for the U15 girls,  gaining a  time of 22.28 and in 294th place.

There was also a strong turn out for the 3k U13s girls and boys, with 7 entries in each.  
For the U13 girls Alanah Perowne was first in with a time of 15.57 mins and 272nd place, followed swiftly by Naimah Michla (16.09, 291st); Anna Carr (17.36, 354th); Florence Snaith (18.24, 367th); Kora Howorth (18.41, 375th); Ruby Ditchburn (19.50, 387th) and Lucy Nichol (22.51, 392nd).

Freddie Palmer romped home first for the TBH  U13 boys in 159th place with a time of 13.58 minutes,  chased by Liam Whitelaw (14.00, 165th), then Henry Pickett (16.05, 346th); Lucas Powell (determinedly entering the finish strait  carrying an extremely muddy shoe, achieving a time of 16.21, 357th); Aidan Whitfield (16.33, 363rd); Jack Whitelaw (16.39, 367th); Charlie Kilgour (16.47, 370th).

We just had the one entrant in both the Under 17 men’s race and the Junior Men’s race. Zak Kettle was placed 179th for the 6k U17s race, with a time of 25.57 and Fraser Bigg was was 181st (43.15) over the 10k junior men’s course.

The juniors enjoyed watching and cheering on the seniors at their races before leaving for home.  There were over 2,000 senior men in their 12k race.  It was quite a sight watching them all spread out at the start line and charge up the hill towards us. 


***A very big thank you to everybody who made the trip happen, putting in considerable amounts of work to give the juniors such a fantastic opportunity: to Dave, Morag and all of the TBH  junior coaches, to Rachael for planning and organising the trip and to Ian for the expert navigation and the trip to NikeTown.  ***



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