TBH Juniors at Wrekenton XC, September 2018

Very dry conditions led to much bemoaning about poor choice of footwear at this fixture. Apparently spikes were not conducive to the condition of the terrain (particularly not the 15mms that some of them had in), but despite this, there were some great performances by our junior section. I was going to award athlete of the match, but I really couldn’t decide who should get it, so gave up on that idea.

First up were the under 11s and our only U11 boy, Joe Eggett managed 74th in 8:00 for the 1 mile loop, and our only U11 girl, Laura Whitman managed 59th in 8:55 for the same loop.

Next up with the new running order were he U15s and we had Amelia Short coming 31st in 11:28 and Eve Tovey coming 47th in 12:18 for the advertised 2 mile loop (it may have been a little shorter than this).

Then last up were the U13 races. The boys managed the highest placing a TBH junior team has achieved at a HL fixture, coming a magnificent second place. Zac Kettle came in with a very strong 5th placing in 9:27 for the advertised 2 mile loop – welcome to the fast pack Zac!! New signing David Carr (our first junior TBH Dave), was close behind in 14th place running an excellent 9:49 followed very closely again by Harry Snaith who came straight from Cycle Cross training, cutting it fine to get to the start line, finishing 29th in 10:08.

Then in the U13 girls race over the same 2 mile loop, Amber Maynard came a very credible 19th in 11:29 showing her commitment to training and racing is really paying off. Then next in was Hope Moir in 54th in 12:55.

Well done to all who ran, I really enjoyed seeing you run today, and feel the hard work in training is paying off, so let’s keep it up.

– Dave Moir


Harry Snaith

Zac Kettle

David Carr

TBH Juniors at Wrekenton XC, September 2018



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