Tyne Bridge Harriers hold weekly training sessions throughout the year.
Tuesday & Thursday
Our main training sessions take place on Tuesday & Thursday evenings. We meet at the East End Pool, Byker (NE6 1AL) and we have access to an indoor space at the pool that can be used to store valuables during the session, including bikes (although please be mindful of cleanliness when bringing bikes indoors). The room will be locked during the session so any valuables should remain secure. The room should be accessed via the fire door next to the revolving door not via the lobby to minimise the traffic in the lobby area.
We also have access to the toilets however we have been asked to not create crowding of the facilities, therefore we ask that if the toilets are busy, please wait outside the building until the situation has quietened down. Also, if you are using the toilets, please consider those who might be waiting outside for you to finish.
Access to the room will be from 6.15 pm and gaining access, and locking up during the session will be managed by a member of the committee.
Group 1 – sub 17:30 5k
Group 2 – sub 20:00 5k
Group 3 – sub 23:00 5k
Group 4 – sub 28:00 5k
Group 5 – sub 35:00 5k
All groups are led by a recognised UKA affiliated leader and they will ensure that no-one is left behind or find the session overwhelming. We encourage people to come along and try the club for a number of sessions before deciding whether to commit to membership.
If you require any further information then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Saturday – Track
Our track session takes place Churchill Playing Fields (Track), Whitley Bay commencing at 10:00am every Saturday morning.
Sunday Long Runs
Many runners in the club organise a Sunday morning long run. Meeting places, times and proposed distances vary from week to week depending on personal training schedules so keep an eye on social media for these informal runs.
Try A Training Session With Us
If you are thinking about joining TBH & would like to take part in any of our training sessions, please complete this form & one of our coaches will get back in touch to you.